F31: Gradient Snakeline Timeline Infographic
Gradient Snakeline Timeline Infographic Free Divi Layout I’ve often seen this type of layout and also Divi users asking for it so I thought I would have a play around. As it turns out, it was pretty simple using Divi’s gradient background settings on rows,... read moreF29: Hybrid Scroll Layout
Hybrid Scroll Free Divi Layout I had a request for this layout from our Facebook Community. Using the awesome ScrollMagic and GSAP jQuery libraries, the layout allows you to define a group of sections to scroll horizontally, whilst the rest of the content scrolls... read moreF27: CSS Grid Blog Layout
This clean and modern blog page layout uses CSS Grid and flex for variable column widths and to keep posts the same height across screensizes, no matter how much your content length varies. It also makes use of the wonderful feature that is CSS Variables (custom properties), making it super easy to edit for your needs.
read moreF26: Masonry Filterable Portfolio Layout
This is a free layout for Divi which changes the standard filterable portfolio module into a masonry layout, allowing you to display your portfolio items of varying sizes in a clean and responsive masonry layout.
read moreF24: Elegant Blog Page Layout
This free Divi layout includes beautiful and elegant custom styling for your website’s blog page and sidebar. Using the native Divi modules, custom CSS and JavaScript to style and reposition elements, this layout will give your blog a truly unique look.
read moreF20: All Our Favourite CSS Snippets Swipe File
This free Divi CSS snippets swipe file contains a ton of custom CSS snippets for Divi, Woo and WordPress in general as well as fixes for some annoying little Divi quirks. Simply copy the snippet you want and paste it into your child theme stylesheet.
read moreF19: All Our Favourite PHP Snippets Swipe File
This free Divi PHP snippets swipe file contains a ton of custom functions for Divi, Woo and WordPress in general. Simply copy the function you want and paste it into your child theme functions.php file.
read moreF18: One Half and Two Quarter Alternating Blog Layout
This free Divi layout uses the native Divi blog module and custom CSS to display posts in a unique alternating layout of two different sizes, with gradient overlay and excerpt reveal on hover.
read moreF17: One Page Coaching & Consulting Layout
This free Divi layout is great for a one page site for coaches and consultants but could be modified for almost any industry. Featuring 9 custom sections, it is clean and professional and will allow you to get your site up and running in record time.
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