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Some time ago I asked in the Divi Soupies Facebook Group whether you guys would be interested in knowing how to add Divi’s Shape Dividers, which are currently only available for sections, to other page elements, in the same way I have used on my Vivid Child Theme.
The response was a resounding YES!!! So here it is, better late than never
I decided as this is a very visual effect, to create this recipe as a Video, and the CSS used is added below for ease of implementation. The recipe shows how to add the Shape Dividers to rows, columns and modules/module elements.
You will need to have a basic understanding of how to use your browser’s developer tools for this recipe.
So let’s get cooking!
Cooking time
Less than 10 minutes!
As per the video, create a Shape Divider on a section and then grab the SVG Data URL from your browser Dev Tools.
CSS used in this recipe:
If you are adding to a row or column via the Advanced tab, use this CSS and change the background-image url to that of the Shape Divider you created:
content: ''; position: absolute; background: transparent; background-image: url(); background-size: 100% 65px; height: 65px; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
If you are using on a module element, use this CSS in your child theme stylesheet, Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS, or add between style tags to a code module on the page as I did. Change element-selector to the class of the element you are applying the effect to:
.element-selector:before { content: ''; position: absolute; background: transparent; background-image: url(); background-size: 100% 65px; height: 65px; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; }
And that’s it!
If you found this helpful please leave a comment and subscribe to my newsletter for all my latest Divi related content.
Michelle X
Hello, has the video expired? It seems to not be active.
Some bug with an update, should be good now
Howdy is there a way to get it to rotate to make it show between modules in a column?
You can use one of the following within the CSS depending on which direction you prefer:
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
transform: rotate(-90deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);
Hi Michelle, thanks so much for this recipe!! I’m having trouble adding the divider to the bottom of a module. The dividor is going to the bottom of last module in the column, rather than the bottom of it slef. I’m pretty sure I have everything set up as you have show. I have a row with two columns. The first module in the column is a text box with a simple title and the class added in the advanced settings to add the before divider. Then I have an aditional text module below. The dividor is sitting inline with… Read more »
Try adjusting or removing the bottom value
Great, always creative!!! Thanks for sharing Michelle.
I want to add a shape divider under my header, so it is FIXED with the header and doesn’t scroll.
See here,
so I want to move that top divider that is in the top section to be uder the header instead.
I have tried applying the styles to the #main-header, but it doesn’t quite work right.
This might help:
Thanks, that’s really useful for my current project
Thanks Judit
Great tutorial as always Michelle, thank you
I’m having trouble adding it to the featured image of a Blurb module though. It keeps putting the divider at the bottom of the blurb module rather than the bottom of the featured image. Using CSS class of .et_pb_main_blurb_image
Dev site so can’t share URL publicly, sorry!
The Blurb module by default has no position defined, which means the pseudo element doesn’t know its boundaries, so just add the following and you should be good
.et_pb_main_blurb_image {
position: relative;
Thank you Michelle. That worked perfectly
Michelle, I’ve a question. How do you design the date metadata; before or overlay on featured image (with style)?
Really wanna learn that. Can you please make a tutorial for that. ‘Playing with the Blog Module’. Please.
Not to sure what you mean, if you have a link to an example that would really help
Hi ! Amazing solutions that I wouldn’t be able to figure out with your help thank you so very much. I am looking for something similar but a way to place the date on the shape divider itself. I am trying to copy the general style of a sqaurespace blog theme that I really liked .. and its quite beyond me how to achieve that effect : the circle with the date in it as the section divider. Any help or recommendations would be highly appreciated as it is definitely beyond my skill level
This free extension might be closer to what you’re looking for:
I don’t have the CSS for it, but you would just need to adjust the positioning of the date meta to get it where you’d like. Hope that helps!
Wow, awesome effect, and so easy to implement! Thanks!
Welcome Kamil
This is great! Thank you.
Most welcome Ruud
Hi Michelle
Thanks for this post. This really gives me new ideas. This was a great example.
Nice Work
Thank you Shane!
Thank you Michelle! Very useful artcle. Kind regards joerg
Very welcome Joerg
This is fantastic! Thank you. I’ve been wanting this capability, but didn’t figure it out. Not only helped me with this, but helped me understand how I might sort future mysteries. Thank you!
That’s great Andrea! Hope you can make use of it
Very cool!
Thanks Britt
Really inspiring and helpful! Thank you, MIchelle! Can’t wait to adapt it to a coming project
That’s great, be sure to show us how you use it
Wow! Cool feature but WAY too complicated. I would have thought you would be done once you selected the type of divider. After that, it is very difficult to follow.
The shape dividers are only available on sections, not rows columns or modules. So no, you wouldn’t be ‘done’ after selecting the divider, you still have to place it where you want it
Fantastic! Thanks!
Very welcome Monica
This is great Michelle, I will be using it on a site I’m doing as their logo has wavy lines, so this will look good from a branding point of view
That’s great Mark, sounds like the perfect use case
Great! Very useful article and resource!
Many thanks, Michelle
Most weclome Andrey
Very nice!
Michelle, you’re fantastic!
Thank you very much
Haha thanks! Glad you like it